I want to remind you of something. Just because you haven’t been labeled with ‘Diabetes’ does not mean that you’re not having issues with blood sugar regulation. Type II Diabetes doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a gradual progression and can start a decade before being diagnosed.
It’s been estimated that 90% of adult Americans are metabolically unhealthy. What that means is, this series of posts about the underlying causes of diabetes apply to most adult Americans, not just those who’ve already been diagnosed.
Nutrients and diabetes: There’s a lot of talk about macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) and blood sugar, but there’s not a lot of talk about micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). These micronutrients may be small but they’re mighty when it comes to blood sugar control.
We need adequate amounts of the following vitamins and minerals to convert carbohydrates into energy and keep the cells that make insulin working optimally.
- BIotin: Stimulates islet cells in the pancreas to produce insulin
- B6: Needed for carb conversion and utilization for energy
- Selenium: Antioxidant and needed for blood sugar regulation and insulin production
- Magnesium: Low levels contribute to insulin resistance
- Zinc: Helps with the formation of insulin in pancreas and insulin sensitivity
- Chromium: Especially helpful with steroid induced diabetes. Steroids increase stress hormones which causes the liver to release stored glucose making sure you have enough for the fight or flight response caused by stress hormones
How do nutrient deficiencies happen? With compromised digestion, a limited or poor diet, and medications.
If you know anyone who might benefit from this information, please pass this along and encourage them to reach out with a Discovery Call. The button for that is below!
P.S. It’s really important to know and ask for proper lab work to track blood sugar metabolism and health. It’s not just glucose and A1c which is what most doctors rely on. For most people, these two markers are the last to go up.
There are at least three more markers that can indicate your metabolic health is not going in the right direction. The earlier you catch blood sugar dysregulation, the easier it is to turn it around.
Helping you become your own health advocate!
Cindy D
If you’d like to explore this a little further with me? Schedule an introductory call with me HERE.