You Deserve Better Health

  Gut Issues   Hormones-Thyroid   Skin   Diabetes   HRT   Menopause   Perimenopause   Exhaustion   And More

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Most diseases associated with getting ‘OLD’ and as ‘NORMAL’ can be prevented and even reversed-with lifestyle, diet, environmental changes, good lab work, hormone therapy and SUPPORT.

It’s my job to help you live a long, full and disease free life.

You can change your life starting today.
You’re never too old or too sick to start anew!

Choose from one of our plans below to get started.

Most Popular

ALB Fresh Start

Perfect for those wanting to dig a bit deeper and receive personalised guidance with digestion, weight, hormones, thyroid, diet, stress, autoimmunity, pain, fatigue.


Most Comprehensive

Complete Care

Our most popular plan is perfect for anyone looking to address ongoing symptoms. This plan gives us the opportunity to closely monitor your progress.



$185 due at enrollment (includes 1st month’s membership fee)

A Good Start

Lab Work and Supplement Review

Become your own advocate and change your health trajectory starting now.

This comprehensive review is for the person who would like to learn more about their current health status and what might be coming down the pike in next 5-10 years. 


WOCA (Women Of a Certain Age)

Coming Soon!

A comprehensive program for the very special and incredible woman entering perimenopause or has moved into the post menopausal era.

WOCA addresses the infamous menopausal bulge, sleepless nights, brain fog, dementia, osteoporosis, painful sex, UTI’s, peeing your pants, diabetes, and all the other wonderful things that go along with losing our hormones. We’ll also go over, in-depth, hormone replacement therapy (HRT)-the risks and benefits, types, does it cause cancer, and is HRT safe to use after cancer. 

You’ll have a chance to be in a wonderful supportive community led by me-your Menoguide or move through the course on your own.

This amazing program is scheduled to launch June 2025.

To be notified of updates, get in on some really great information, and watch a an in-depth video about the confusion that surrounds HRT, click on the button below.


Get your free copy of Cindy D’s Recipes.

Free 20 Min Intro Call


Official Blog Updates

What Happens In The Bedroom…

The wife of one of my clients cornered me at the yoga studio to tell me that whatever I was having her husband do was working! He won’t leave her alone in the bedroom! She wants to sleep and he has other ideas! I’ll take this as a win, a success and a testimonial!  Did you know that what goes

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How to Avoid This Glyphosate

Glyphosate is a known carcinogen along with a whole host of other things that are not generally talked about and it’s caused significant changes in the landscape of our health, very rapidly, and not in a good way.⁣ It disproportionately affects our children and animals because they are small, making the toxic load much more burdensome

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Moody Men – It’s a Hormone Thing

Before I jump into this week’s topic, I want to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you who’ve recommended my services to your friends and family. It means a lot to me that you trust me enough to do that! Some of you may not know the scope of my expertise, so

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You can change your life starting today.
You’re never too old or too sick to start anew!

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