Healing from Eczema:
Understanding the causes of eczema is critical in discovering your path to healing.
Eczema affects over 30 million Americans and has dramatically increased in the past 60 years. It affects 10-20% of US children and is characterized by itchy red areas which often blister and ooze.
While eczema may not be life threatening, it can be devastating for those who have it. It can be painful, interrupt sleep, make you feel self-conscious, embarrassed, prevent you from doing the activities you love, and wearing clothes that are fun and show skin.
The solution offered from the dermatologist is usually advice on how to hydrate the affected areas, moisturize with barrier creams, a prescript for topical and sometimes oral steroids, and sometimes an immunosuppressant. These all treat the symptoms and help to relieve the itching, pain and redness but unfortunately, they do not address the root cause, which is why most people get stuck and never improve in the long term.
What causes Eczema?
There are a couple of ideas about the etiology of eczema. Research is pointing towards eczema as an autoimmune disease coupled with a reaction to a bacteria called, Staphylococcus Aureus on the skin. Some people are just more genetically susceptible to the skin reacting to the bacteria causing the redness and lesions.
What aggravates it? Inflammatory foods, a leaky gut, an imbalanced of gut bacteria, lotions and potions, overuse of antibacterial soaps and wipes, water, hormonal imbalances, and STRESS.
And bottom line, you can only relieve and heal your eczema once you identify and address your personal triggers. We work to find out which ones are yours to create a protocol specifically for you.