Moody Men – It’s a Hormone Thing

Before I jump into this week’s topic, I want to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you who’ve recommended my services to your friends and family. It means a lot to me that you trust me enough to do that!

Some of you may not know the scope of my expertise, so here is a partial list.

  • Women’s Health in general, including thyroid, hormone balancing, PCOS, perimenopause and menopause, HRT
  • Stubborn Weight loss
  • Men’s Health in general, optimizing hormones, anti-aging
  • GI health-from SIBO, colitis, Crohn’s, acid reflux, bloating, IBS
  • Preventing Cancer and Recurrence
  • Offering and interpreting Lab Work-ferreting out disease 10 years before it happens.
  • Practicing health care instead of sick care.
  • Helping people become their own Healthcare Advocate

If you know of anyone who is searching for answers, please pass this on. I always recommend scheduling a complimentary Introductory Call as the best place to start.

When most people think of hormone imbalances they think of the raging, chocolate craving, moody PMSing ovulating woman or the hot flashing menopausal woman but hormone imbalances can occur in men as well. And they can be just as devastating as a woman’s imbalance and are unfortunately, most often undetected or ignored. And Viagra and anti-depressants are not the solution.

Andropause which is the male form of menopause is low testosterone in men and can hit as early as age 30 but is most often seen around age 50.

It’s precipitated by stress, a bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, and medications (statins). There can also be a genetic component that will predisposed a man to an hormonal imbalance-elevated estrogen and low testosterone.

In men, both testosterone levels and estrogen levels need to be measured but estrogen levels are often overlooked because it’s a ‘female’ hormone. Many doctors have not realized the delicate necessity of testosterone and estrogen to be in balance. The factors I listed above can increase the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. And most men in their 50’s can tick off at least 2-3 of these.

Low testosterone and elevated estrogen levels are associated with moodiness, low libido, heart disease, muscle wasting, chronic inflammation, depression, reduced sexual-desire and no Mojo.

Low-T also shows up as excess abdominal fat, low energy, pre-diabetes, atherosclerosis, prostate and colorectal cancers, and elevated cholesterol levels. The take away here is, low-T affects your overall health, quality of life and longevity!

Men, if you are or have experienced any of the above symptoms and would like to start feeling better, then either ask your doctor to test or reach out to me.

These are the lab markers I recommend in order to get a good picture when it comes to male hormone status and health. They cost $172 through my dispensary. The blood draw is done at Quest and you’ll receive a brief report evaluating your test results.

  • Total Testosterone
  • Free Testosterone
  • Estradiol
  • SBHG
  • Prolactin
  • DHEA-s
  • Fasting Insulin
  • hs-CRP
  • Homocysteine

IMPORTANT!!! Testosterone it NOT the end all be all. Before you rush out and reach for testosterone replacement, it is imperative you get the rest of your life in order. Testosterone is to be used in conjunction with lifestyle and dietary changes.

And if you’re younger than 50 and have low T, you need to find out why. Giving testosterone too early can shut down your own production and you don’t want that!

Gentlemen! Don’t ignore this! Sometimes all you need are lifestyle changes and a few supplements to feel like a million bucks again. To feel like that man you used to be! And sometimes you need more.

To get started, schedule a chat with me, click on ‘Book Your Complimentary Discovery Call’
Please remember that anything written here is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is to replace the care or recommendations by your health care provider.

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