We seem to be really stuck on the idea that it’s fat and cholesterol that causes heart attacks and strokes. Doctors often tend to be cholesterol eccentric, determined to get cholesterol as low as possible. So let’s look at why and what’s wrong with this picture.
The Why: Most doctors test to what they can treat with medication-like statins. Statins are the number one prescribed medication in the US. And we have some very outdated information still being taught in med school regarding the efficacy of statins and low fat diets to lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular events.
What’s wrong with this picture:
1. Doctors are not taught about nutrition-not really. Changing someone’s diet to a low grain, plant heavy and a real food based diet is more effective than statins at lowering cholesterol AND Inflammation and the chance of a heart attack.
2. Statins have been shown to cause an increased risk of diabetes, muscle pain and loss, cataracts, and dementia. None of these are a plus!
3. Elevated cholesterol levels DO NOT mean you have fat/plaque deposits in your circulatory system. Before going on a statin, make sure you have additional tests, like a Calcium Scan Score to see if there are any deposits in your major arteries.
4. Elevated blood sugar and insulin, along with gut and dental issues are much bigger drivers of a possible cardiac event than elevated cholesterol by itself. So we need to investigate and address these!
5. Triglyceride levels are more note-worthy than total cholesterol.
6. We need adequate amounts of cholesterol to make hormones, keep our cell membranes healthy and our heads happy, so if we go below 150 total cholesterol, our bodies are not going to be very happy.
7. Inflammation is the driver of cardiovascular disease. How many doctors test inflammation markers? Does yours? Probably not. Do you know what they are? hs-CRP, ferritin or Sed rate, homocysteine, and I’d throw fasting insulin levels in there as well.
Check your blood work and if these tests have not been included, please ask your doctor to add them next time.
OR you can order them from me! Yes! I can now order blood work for you through Fullscript. The cost for the four inflammatory markers I recommended above is only $78.
Click this LINK to schedule a chat with me or respond to this email and I’ll get the script you need to take to Quest for the blood draw. It’s super easy to get what you need and quickly!
So if your cholesterol is climbing and you’re concerned and/or your doctor is recommending a statin, explore a little deeper.
You are in charge of your health and how you live and age. It’s up to you and I’m here to assist you in anyway I can!