It’s Doing The Simple Things

These are simple concepts. Yes?

I’m guessing none of them are new to you. 
And you’re probably nodding your head in agreement to all 5 things listed here. They all sound pretty good and reasonable.

You may have been inspired to try all of these, at one time, only to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and even ashamed because you’ve fallen short after a month or maybe even after just a few days.

I get it. We all get excited! We get inspired and are going to do it this time, by golly! And then we bite off more than we can chew and feel defeated.

So let’s review this list and take some nibbles instead of bites, shall we?

1. Probably the most important thing to acknowledge is starting where YOU’RE at. Not where anyone else is at! 

2. Set up your daily routine. This is super important and it doesn’t have to be anything big. Maybe something as simple as adding some new body movement for just five minutes 3x/day will do. That’s it! Just FIVE minutes 3x/day!

Whatever it is, make it doable and easy to pair up with something that’s already a part of your routine. Ex: While making coffee in the morning lift weights for 5 minutes.
And/or after every meal, take a 5-10 minute walk and build those 5-10 minutes into your meal time.

3. When you start simply, it’s much easier to be consistent. We build body, mind, muscle memory and habits that way. And once something becomes a habit, we don’t have to think or argue with ourselves anymore! Whew!

4. Being in a community that is also doing these things, on some level, is a game changer. We are heavily influenced by the people we spend time with.
It’s also much easier and more fun to walk and talk with someone, at least most of the time!
Social connectedness is more than just this, but it is pretty amazing what can happen by showing up and being with others. Feeling connected is vital for all of us.

5. Food is Medicine. Yes, it is and not news to any of you here but we could all probably stand to make one change this week. Just one thing that can start a string mini of changes. 

I always find it quite amazing how one change will have a ripple effect that we could not have anticipated. Those unintended consequences can be good sometimes! 

Maybe it’s as simple as committing to getting a minimum of 20-30 grams of protein at each meal and 1 more serving of vegetables per day. And that’s it!
Maybe it’s just tracking what you usually eat to see if you’re even getting close to those 80 grams of protein/day.
(For my men it’s a minimum of 35-40 grams of protein per meal)

That’s changing only two dietary things until they become part of your fabric. Until they become a habit.

And guess what? One new habit begets another one. And THAT can go in either direction. 

Choose your direction and get started! You can all do this! Little bites!

I want nothing more than for all of you to feel like you’re able to do anything you want to do, at any age!

BTW- this international bestseller, Feel Better in 5 by, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is a must if you’re looking for creative and effective ways to make daily little changes. 
Please remember that anything written here is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is to replace the care or recommendations by your health care provider.

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