Gentle U-turns and Reset Days

Guilt is a toxic emotion that creates a tremendous amount of pain and heartache. So when eating gets a little out of control (which often happens during the holidays and vacations) there’s no need to beat yourself up. Simply make a gentle U-turn. 

Remember you have an internal compass or GPS. And remember how your car GPS doesn’t yell at you, call you stupid or judge you for taking a wrong turn. In the sweetest voice imaginable, the GPS reminds you to take the next possible U-turn. Right? Remind your internal GPS to use that same gentle voice.

So if you indulge a little, that’s fine. Did you enjoy it? I hope so!

Sometimes we know we’re not going to feel the greatest after we eat or drink things that are not in our best interest, but we make a decision to indulge a bit anyways. And that’s FINE! But usually we can’t stay in that mode for long before we start to feel the affects and need to make a U-turn. 

To help you make that U-turn, use a Reset Day at the beginning of each week and/or after a party night. It’s a quick and effective way to turn things around and get back on track.

It still amazes me how fast our bodies, taste buds, and heads can flip back to liking sugar and salt laden junk food. It’s equally amazing how quickly it can flop back to being satisfied with foods that actually feed and nurture our bodies. It may take a few days to retrain them, depending on how far and long off track we’ve strayed, but stick with it and you’ll notice the shift quickly. I promise! It happens to me too!

 After a vacation, I use the Reset Day menu for at least 3 days to reset my mind and mouth and to lose cravings. Yes, I go a bit off the reservation on occasion too and it feels okay as long as I’m not gone too long.

So what does a reset look like?  A reset is basically eating plenty of vegetables, high quality-protein and good fats. It’s not a fast, it’s just clean eating and it works. This is what a Reset Day might look like.


  • 1 Tbsp olive oil with squeeze of fresh lemon
  • 8 oz of lemon water
  • Organic coffee with cream (if you’re a coffee drinker) or herbal tea
  • 2 poached eggs on mashed guacamole or avocado, topped with chopped tomatoes


Field greens with ¼ cup almonds, 1-2 ounces grated raw milk cheddar cheese or sheep’s cheese.  Optional: 3-4 oz. TJ’s pre-cooked grass-fed top sirloin, found in the refrigerated section. Dressing: Balsamic vinegar and olive oil, Real Salt and pepper


  • 4-8 oz wild caught fish, organic chicken, or grass fed beef; broiled, baked, or pan fried in coconut oil.
  • Coleslaw (click this link for my easy famous slaw) Recipe →
  • Steamed broccoli, asparagus, or cauliflower with Kerrygold butter and Real Salt


  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Make sleep a priority.
  • If you’re hungry in between meals, eat raw nuts or sip a green drink.
  • If you need a dessert, try frozen or fresh berries, or any kind of fruit.
  • Feeling a little bit hungry is actually okay.
  • Try to do something that gets you to sweat.
  • Replenish your B-vitamins, Vit C, and minerals.

Remember, to take the time to enjoy healthy, wholesome meals with your friends and family and remember that you can heal your body and mind with each forkful of delicious real food.

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